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My quotation of the day # 2

Thank you Shonessa for nominating me! Here goes on Day 2, technically a day late but I can forgive myself for an overloaded day yesterday!

Smile, smile at everybody. You don’t need a reason to smile at them but you will be filled with joy at the end of the day, unable to count the number of smiles returned to you.


  1. A quote each day for three days.
  2. Nominating three different people each day.

My Nominations:



Three who began with the letters c, o and m. Yesterdays letters were w, w and w.


What will the letters on the third day be? (Incidentally because I am a day late I will post the third installment later today!)

.com 🙂

© Zora Zebic 2016

3 thoughts on “My quotation of the day # 2

  1. Beautiful quote.. we must smile forever : )
    I have scheduled your post, I will be published today 🙂

  2. it will*

  3. […] Name: Zora Zebic Occupation: Social Services Administrator Website: zorazebic […]

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