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Walk like an Egyptian

I thought you would enjoy the reaction to a beautiful coat from Egypt, donated to Street Help Homeless Centre of Windsor.


A photo of me modelling the coat.

One of our homeless ladies came in shivering. The morning had been a frosty one and she was happy to help herself to a hot cup of coffee and a bowl of oatmeal.

I was taking things out of my office to bring back to the sorting tables and as I passed the lady asked if she could please have the blanket I was carrying. I put down the other items and held the coat up for her to see.

She cried out how beautiful it was and apologized for thinking it was a blanket. I told her she had no need to feel bad, she was asking for something to keep her warm and the coat looked like a perfect fit.

She slipped on the coat and twirled about asking how she looked. Everyone told her how beautiful the coat looked on her and some commented how it seemed it was made for her.

The coat was made for her. God works in wondrous ways and bestows blessings in unique and incredible ways! I was told a lady had taken the coat off her back and donated it wanting to make her personal gift to the homeless person.

I hope she will know her gift was truly a blessing to another woman in need.

© Zora Zebic 2016

2 thoughts on “Walk like an Egyptian

  1. That’s beautiful, Christine!

    1. Thanks Rita!

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